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Platte Lake Sets National Example For Solving Toxic Algae

Keith Schnieder, an environmental wrirter, has posted an interesting article about how our work on Platte lake is setting an example for other bodies of water facing problems similar to ours.  Here's the link


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Report cases of Swimmers Itch here

The latest update of our Database of lake data is  available here

Note: To view the database download the file to your hard drive.  Once on the hard drive, select the file, right click "properties", select "unblock" and apply. The file will then be ready to open in Microsoft Excel


  • Lake Surface Temperature:
    5/31/24: 64.6
  • Secchi Readings::
    6/17/24: 21 feet
  • Flow:
    Appx 3.5 million gallons/ hour flow in from the Upper Platte River
  • Depth:
    95 ft maximum, 24 ft average


Since our efforts began in 1978, we’ve seen a 12 foot increase in depth clarity.

What can I do to help the lake?

  • Become a member of the PLIA and support its efforts. Join now
  • Encourage your neighbors to join.
  • Keep grass clippings and leaves out of the lake. This is especially important in the fall.
  • Don’t use fertilizers containing phosphorus.
  • Maintain your septic system or holding tanks and pump your tank every 2 years

Make this year the year you become a PLIA Member and contribute generously to our work in keeping Platte Lake clean and beautiful for generations to come. Join Now!

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